aniline blue การใช้
- In 1862 he introduced a process for producing aniline blue.
- Aniline blue, Hoechst 33258 and DAPI stain are used in the non-specific detection by fluorescence microscopy [ 2]
- Aniline blue or its constituents are used to stain collagen, as the fibre stain in Masson's trichrome, as well as to reveal callose structures in plant tissues.
- It uses the three stains : aniline blue, acid fuchsin, and orange G . As a result this staining technique can reveal collagen, ordinary cytoplasm, and red blood cells.
- Mallory's trichrome method, using acid fuchsine followed by a solution containing PTA, orange G and aniline blue, provides dark red nuclei, orange erythrocytes, and blue collagen fibres, cartilage matrix and mucus.
- In 1863, Hofmann showed that aniline blue is a triphenyl derivative of rosaniline and discovered that different alkyl groups could be introduced into the rosaniline molecule to produce dyes of various purple or violet colours, which became known as'Hofmann's violets '.